Helen Tang Helen Tang

Coping with PMS Symptoms post-trauma

Trauma in all forms has the potential to change the way a person understand the world, how they see to others and how they relate themselves. The experience of trauma can catalyse certain emotional and psychological responses that aim to protect the person emotionally.

 If you are a person with a uterus and who menstruates, PMS week can be a tough time and a half! Everything hurts, everyone sucks, your body feels yuck and need ALL OF THE CHOCOLATE NOW.

Here’s my trauma-informed take on ways to cope with PMS symptoms

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Helen Tang Helen Tang

Is Perfectionism a form of Avoidance?

Problematic perfectionism can form part of a variety of clinical presentations including Depression, generalised anxiety, OCD, and trauma. Whilst ‘flavours’ of perfectionism within someone’s personality can enhance functioning and motivate them to reach their goals, when the need to be perfect becomes strongly tied with self-worth and identity, we have an issue.

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Helen Tang Helen Tang

4 Things you probably hadn’t considered with Preventing Burnout

Burnout symptoms can appear when our personal limits are not adhered to and when our boundaries are crossed one too many times. Prevention is certainly more preferable than treatment and response. So here’s four things to consider when trying to opt out of hustle-culture and prevent burning out in the first place.

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